About GI Janel
GI Janel is the creation of Dr Kathleen Janel, ND. In her years of successfully resolving digestive issues, she became aware that existing supplements did not always have the correct formulation for her patients. She developed and released GI Janel initially to assist her own patients resolve their symptoms. She is now making them widely available for all those suffering from digestive concerns.
Knowledge Resources
GI Janel Book, by Dr Kathleen Janel ND
Released in 2019, Dr Janel's book is resource for patients and physicians looking to understand the root cause of common digestive issues, and why the GI Janel formulas are uniquely suited to help resolve these concerns.

Consult with Dr Janel
Do you live outside of Washington State and want to consult with Dr Janel. GI Janel Anywhere allows you to do video conferencing to receive consultation and begin resolving your digestive concerns.
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Become a patient of our highly qualified and trained physicians at Specialty Natural Medicine. All of our physicians are trained to assist you with your digestive or primary care needs.

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